Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Twenties, on an Island

Sorry that I have been a bit silent of late, but the lazy days of summer have not been so laid back for me, which is not entirely a bad thing. For example, back in June, my nestmate and I were out on Governor's Island for their Jazz Age Lawn Party, where you camp out on the grass, savoring the period flavors of old cars, clothes and tasty St. Germain cocktails. Live music comes courtesy of Michael Arnella & His Dreamland Orchestra. There's also a dance floor, for those who are so inclined. Oh, and for the foodies(you know who you are ;)), a pie baking contest with free samples . . . All in all a good time. Each one of these events I have attended has been more populated than the previous with the most recent outing seeming especially so. (I could credit that Woody Allen film, however, it's more likely the word getting around). Governor's Island hosts two Lawn Parties each summer, and we were planning to venture out for the second installment this weekend, only the weather has not been promising so far. Tomorrow may be another day, but for now, here are three black and white images, bracketed with two shots of color, from earlier this summer:

photo by creighton blinn,
all rights reserved

photo by creighton blinn, all rights reserved

photo by creighton blinn,
all rights reserved

photo by creighton blinn,
all rights reserved

photo by creighton blinn,
all rights reserved

Best wishes for your weekend. Cheers.